@Awkward__Artist It's actually a mix of cute and creepy!! I commonly draw cartoon doodles on here because those are easier! Though I have some more creepy ones planned out for the future! Generally, I get inspiration from everyone so I have a library of art styles to pick from for the mood I want to convey!
@TheNightblade@WolfHats Oh! Well I get many inspirations! I'm commonly inspired so so much by all you guys on here and on toonator! I base my style depending on what I feel like at the time or what person I remember their art of. Some big inspirations are from 5OUL and Susimi since I've known them since 2015!! Some other inspirations come from previous friends on other sites I used to talk to before they were lost to time. I sometimes try contacting them but usually it's no use u-u Other inspirations come from youtube, music, or my surroundings! I have an ENTIRE draft folder full of unfinished inspirations on here by you guys! I have some of everyone lol!
@Holy_Hererasaur Here's two ways on how to get some pretty smooth lines! STRAIGHT LINES - Make your line first and even give it some extra thickness to it! It'll help later! Then erase the sides to your desire to make it appear smoother!
CURVE LINES - The trick is to be quick! Don't be afraid to take numerous tries to accomplish this! Patience is key for when you get that perfect line! If you need a smaller and more precise line, I advise you make a curve then go back to erase a bit to smooth it out!
SMOOTH COLORS - If you have a big, lineless art piece then I advise you color the main object in one color, go on a layer above it and make a mask of that layer. It'll keep the sharpness so you don't ever have to go back to edit the shape! (It won't appear masked on the layer)
And in general, it's advised to get a drawing tablet for smoother lines! You can keep your hand steadier than a mouse!
@Rosesofink Neat! Can't wait to see what you do in the future.Rosesofink
@Awkward__Artist It's actually a mix of cute and creepy!! I commonly draw cartoon doodles on here because those are easier! Though I have some more creepy ones planned out for the future!Generally, I get inspiration from everyone so I have a library of art styles to pick from for the mood I want to convey!
What kind of aesthetic are you typically attracted to/enjoy creating in your artwork?HolyHerrerasaurus
@Rosesofink Thank, i cant afford Tablet but the advice is nice :DRosesofink
@TheNightblade Yeah it's RosiesprincessNightblade
@Rosesofink oh! I didnt know you had a toon!Rosesofink
@TheNightblade @WolfHats Oh! Well I get many inspirations! I'm commonly inspired so so much by all you guys on here and on toonator! I base my style depending on what I feel like at the time or what person I remember their art of. Some big inspirations are from 5OUL and Susimi since I've known them since 2015!! Some other inspirations come from previous friends on other sites I used to talk to before they were lost to time. I sometimes try contacting them but usually it's no use u-uOther inspirations come from youtube, music, or my surroundings! I have an ENTIRE draft folder full of unfinished inspirations on here by you guys! I have some of everyone lol!
@Rosesofink he means who are the people who inspire you, on here, or youtubeNightblade
@Rosesofink Like,, who inspires you to draw?Rosesofink
@TheNightblade Don't know what you mean, apologies!Rosesofink
@Holy_Hererasaur Here's two ways on how to get some pretty smooth lines!STRAIGHT LINES - Make your line first and even give it some extra thickness to it! It'll help later! Then erase the sides to your desire to make it appear smoother!
CURVE LINES - The trick is to be quick! Don't be afraid to take numerous tries to accomplish this! Patience is key for when you get that perfect line! If you need a smaller and more precise line, I advise you make a curve then go back to erase a bit to smooth it out!
SMOOTH COLORS - If you have a big, lineless art piece then I advise you color the main object in one color, go on a layer above it and make a mask of that layer. It'll keep the sharpness so you don't ever have to go back to edit the shape! (It won't appear masked on the layer)
And in general, it's advised to get a drawing tablet for smoother lines! You can keep your hand steadier than a mouse!
inspirations on YT/drawn?HolyHerrerasaurus
How be S m o o t h