sososo I have this friend in my swimming after-school. and for a while she had weird dreams with me [unspecified] but in the second one she kissed me and shes christan and junk so like shes known all her life thats its wrong but then i gave vauge answers and stuff telling her its oki but not saying no then i said hugs ok but I got uncomfortable but i didnt wanna say. then she kissed me whithout warning and then said we were sitll friends after she admitted she liked me but then gave kissy emote. THEN THE NEXT DAY ON THE BUS SHE TRIED TO KISS ME AGAIN AND I DIDNT WANT THAT SO WHEN I STOPPED HER SHE JUST PRETENDED SHE DIDNT TRY TO DO IT AND THE WHOLE RIDE I HAD TO BE NAUSEOU AND STUF. WORRYING ABOUT HER CAUSE SHE WAS TRYING TO LEAN ON ME AN STUFF. I HAVE TO SEE HER AGAIN IN LIKE 2 HOURS. I AM NOT CONFRONTATIONAL. AND I DONT WANT HER THINKING GIRLS CANT BE LIKED BY GIRLS. BUT ID ONT WANNA BE AROUND HER AFTER ALL THIS BUT I PHSICALLY CANT AND SHE IS ONE YEAR OLDER TAHN ME WAHAATTT DO I CDOOOOO I CANT EVEN SAY no THATS HOW NON CONFRTATIONAL I AM

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