Kaitlyn (Morgana Oc)

By bee

This took too long lol. Inspired by: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/35dvbj @Anadroj-B-J Species by: @XEclipse - This is Kaitlyn. She is a Class A stable Morgana. I'm still deciding a lot of her personality and backstory, but I already have an idea for both. She is (so far) a slightly passive aggressive spirit who usually goes out of her way to avoid humans despite living in a city full of them. She absolutely loathes humans due to all the hurt they have caused her in her lifetime. Not to say she wouldn't talk to a nicer one, but she would be standoffish and dismiss them until she knows she can trust them. She's pretty neat so ya. -

  • Published January 11, 2020, 12:54
  • in Still Waters
  • in effort art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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