Im not diffrent


Why is just the word driving me mad. Why do the games they play not intrest me. Why does the sound of the ambulance going by rise curiosity Why cant I cry Why isnt it over Why am I diffrent? Ive had it for a while So what has changed? Whats making me diffrent? just knowing> KnoWing THa t Im not like the rest of them that im broken that somethings wrong inside my head Because of the countless times I fell asleep, or pretended to in my bed because i diddnt sleep? Is it because I feel like their all staring now? It shouldent be this sudden I cant tell anymore if its anxiety o r NOt anymore This is stupid im being stupid Im not sad im not insane im not diffrent

  • Published April 18, 2019, 13:50
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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