The tribute chapter 28. Safe?

By X

Fusion slumped into his throne. He had taken the twisting path through the forest, and had managed to lose the monster that was following him. Though, he had lost his crown among the bushes. He sighed, and relaxed. SO maybe his little love declaration had not gone over well, but at least he still had his fool of a wife. She actually though he loved her? And a fool she was. Fusion did wish he could have wooed the monster though, he did quite like her. Don't know where that would have landed them politically though, he supposed. Where was his wife? She was usually good at being obedient, and leaving the castle when nothing important was going on, as he had told her. Fusion hoped she was out.He laughed silently to himself, remembering the most recent important event. He had forced her to request the experiments, since he knew she loved the brats she had made. Fusion crossed his legs, and leaned forward to stretch his back. He hated running, but oh well. He hadn't died. All of a sudden, the doors to the throne room burst open, revealing one of his son's. "Yes, Ace?" Fusion asked, right before noticing the tears on the boys cheeks, and the rage in his eyes.

  • Published December 07, 2019, 16:31
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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