Rinter log #6


Man. I have been tired these past few days, like I barely remember Zach’s funeral and then some priest decided to follow us and then Biggie Fish showed up and I don’t remember fully what he said but it was something about Jerma and then there was a guy with a big eye and many noodle arms and he gave me another suspicious looking idol. Weirdest part of it all was this dream about some white woman singing about this thing called “Kristmas.” Well, in the dream, I was taller, Yumona was colder and THE SLAYER was now a SINGER and also Max was a Kobald for some reason. We killed the white woman and then my dad told us to get Gingerbread and to have a competition to make a house based on Gingerbread. We then went into a town to get it but the guy who was supposed to give us it told us to kill Santa Claws for him so we went to do that and then we came across a little cabin and we went inside and then there was a wendigo and then I fell asleep Again and was then dreaming of a giant dragon and Basileus showing up to kill that dragon and then I fell asleep again and was dreaming of unspeakable terrors and then I woke up the next morning! And there was another idol that showed up in my hair!! After we all woke up there was some guy doing fire things outside and then he decided to follow us. We then went to a giant hill full of ants and then THE SLAYER got a jar of dirt. We kept on moving through town until we reached the west side of Arx and we went to go west and we went into the fae wild or whatever and then there were some really cute frogs that I wanted to pet but then suddenly the frogs were EVIL!! EVIL FROGSS!!!! They used their mind maces or whatever to try to kill me but then Max pulled me aside to try to save me!! How lovely!! Anyways we killed the frogs and nothing else happened after and it was all perfectly fine and nothing was set on fire. So we continued on the path. After a while I got kidnapped and there were these guys who named themself the ferrymen, they had really cool human skull masks and they wanted to let me know that Biggie Fish was a bad guy and that what we were getting was a very very powerful item and it has most if not all fae magic or whatever and then told me to tell my party to leave. One of them then took me back, protecting me from a lot of danger. Then handing me off to Max and then a very loud noise happened and now we are heading off to sleep again, or at least I am Goodnight!!

  • Published Published January 08, 2023, 12:03
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in The Rinter files
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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