Game👏Explained👏 (HatInTime!)


Alright Gamers, time to explain the fuck out of the game. So with this cute motherfucking game and sunshine space and time shit, or whatever, your a kid, in a ship, a fucking kid in a space shit, i meant ship but fuck it, anyway so there is a guy outside your space ship, some type of mafia guy i guess, idk how the breathe so lets just say there not fucking human what so ever. so he opens the door you fly out so does your time stones- i mean time pieces, and you have to get them back, well shit. anyway your tiny ass goes to this planet to fight some bad guys like every game ever! anyway you go onto this planet, beat up some mafia guys, meet a female who is a girl, with a mustache, named mustache girl. (Very Clever guys a thumbs up from me) so now your friend with the little bitch and you go looking for the TimE pIeCES so, you continue until you make it to the mafia base or whatever and beat some SWEET BOSS ASS, you win, here take the goddamn time piece. so a cut scene plays, some dialog when oopsie DAISY , the bitch mustache girl drops the fragment of time- and time goes back and the dailog happens again but, the time piece, on the ground. you take it a keep it, while the little brat kid becomes evil oh noes, she took your fuckin money- now time to fck up some bad btchs, get some time btchesn get some real btchs, i'm getting more and more lazy with this sht so let's get juice with my favorite part, SUBCON FOREST, where you get to subscribe to my c- no i don't have a youtube channel but whatever, so you, are wonfder threw a forest and holy fck you get trapped, it be the ghost demon thing, but he is ONE FCKIN CUTIE- just look at him it got it goin, so he snatches your soul you are souless to some things, contracts contract contracts, theeeeeeeen you have to go into the mansion, and holy shit it went from being cute to fucking scary- gueen bkaren tries to kil lyou you go threw some rooms fcking jumpscared, this mansion is a fucking nightmare, i'm fucking scared, EXTREME AXEINTY THIS LEVEL IS MOTHER FUC- okay so you get to a chest in a room and get a time piece, finally you fight a outhouse, you fight jevil- wait no wrong game, uh snatcher you fight him get some time pieces, go back more fcking levels, i think you get to vjdfn;radnljkncjka bitch girls's mansion thing, and wel go threw a lava level like fucking mario, nd there you go, boom you see a poor mafia guy get fcking killed, and you go up she basically roasts you, you fight, she is fucking asriel in a nutshell- you slay some bitchs and lay some witches, you win roll credits, imma post this i need to get this out of my draft so fuck you and go play the actual fucking game, dipshits bye

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