So here's a fully colored version of this guy: I design a while ago! I decided to officially name him Nico (@TwixLovez, who came up w/ the guy's backstory for me named him "Nick" as a placeholder, so I just tweaked it a bit, but I like to think that "Nic" could be a nickname? idk), and I like to think his current story is him trying and learning how to be a better, more open person, after so many years of being bitter and closed off from the world partly due to his upbringing. If you want to learn about his backstory, read @TwixLovez comments on the first post I drew of him which again is this one: . (alsoforsomeweirdreasonwhiledrawingthisimageIgottheurgetodrawhimasagrumpybutfluffywolforlion...idk) Anyway, hope yall like him!