My school is going to end on June 7th, Im still in elementary and gonna go to middle school next year. Now most of my days are feild trips, cuz my teacher is kind OwO so Ima be here more often cheering up spirits if I can more often after June 7th, YEEEET
@kashew01 @Mr_Mister shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-kashew01
@Mr_Mister kiss meMr_Mister
@kashew01 thank you for saying what i was gonna say (i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you)kashew01
@Stanced he was grey first >:) (also look when this was posted)Stanced
u could do dark greenStanced
@Mr_Mister @kashew01 I'm grey lmaoMr_Mister
@Meow_Wolf_life ohhhhhhhhhhღLa_Michiღ
@Mr_Mister yes i said "you CANT take pink" loolMr_Mister
@kashew01 I might take grey since its one of my options if it's not taken but the only thing I want to know is that if purple is taken @Meow_Wolf_life sorry but i have to say no, 2 people have pink already id be weird if 3 people have itღLa_Michiღ
you cant take pinkkashew01