sand contains hefty minerals that can be turned into a see-through solid object when heated up at the right temperature and time, much like our human bodies contain similar minerals which could practically be grinded down into tiny bits. thus creating, sand. if this is so, much like sand, we could potentially be turned into glass. chances are, the windows you see through are made of tiny bits of random humans you haven't met, as long as some family members. so technically we are seeing through tiny layers of rock and human flesh. much also like the human body, sand also contains traces of water or water vapor. if this is the case, if you created a mold of yourself and filled it with sand, put it through the correct amount of heat turning it into glass. it could almost be classified as an entirely separate entity. we are sand, sand is us. we are glass, and glass is us.
OhhhhhhhThat’s how you got so good so quickly
mine is at 12 fps but okTheDiamondCat