got back from my Disney trip today and oh boy am I glad to be back- our teams lost at the baking competition and there was a lot of bossing around and arguing so mmm. Vacations always go wrong for some reason, 'specially when it's a school group lmao.
Anyways, I'm gettin' off, so uh- yee, gotta get used to drawing again cuz it's been a while haha. Night everyone. (as if anyone cares at this point lol)
yuh and its annoying T^T_J_M_
@ClaytonR yup, all seems to be goodClaytonR
@_J_M_ Yep. Try now...should be better._J_M_
@ClaytonR I’d presume this is the resultClaytonR
Tried to fix a problem and I apparently made it worse.animationate
yeah its weirdshark.fang
hay @ClaytonR the drawn error box said "SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 3311" like in the desc. in only pop's up on multiple frame animations. i hope this helps_J_M_
@eagle I wonder if Clayton’s doing something big with the editor?shark.fang
yeah i thought it was just me_J_M_
@Lopfi that sucksLopfi
I couldn't even save my drawing