Chapter three of this game was terrible for me. I bet it was for alot of people! Game design and things, but it's already been criticized for that. However..there is one bug in that level that still pisses me off to this day.
So, after failing to get the Tommy Gun, I went down to Norman's level. Bla bla I went through the section as normal, after dying twice to the sneaky bastard.
He saw me yet AGAIN! Annoyed, I got inside the hiding station and waited for Norman to walk by. But.. I apperantly soft-locked the game. I remembered saving at level nine before doing this fetch-quest, so I quit the game and loaded the save file. I remember only getting 4 hearts before the bug. However, when i loaded in, it showed that I had all five hearts. Which I didn't. So I tried to deliver them. Nothing happened. I tried to take the gun. It disintegrated into ink, but Alice said nothing of it. I went back down to 14. Couldnt find anything. I quit the game and loaded again. Nothing happened. I suicicded into Norman. Nothing happened. I had to restart the entire chapter.
Yeah I rage quit the game after that. A day later, I decided to try again.
I'll do more posts about the bugs that I found in chapters 4 and 5. There were only two major bugs that got rid of game progress. I'll get to those another day
I hope that one day this chapter gets fixed. I found too many audio and AI glitches haha
wiiiith kindnessstarrie☆
@RazzyIsHere ur killing meScratchandSniff
shhh i wanna know who dis person is >:D maybe good waifu material for youuu~starrie☆
@RazzyIsHere ENENJ&NDE DADScratchandSniff
ooo who has the crush on youuustarrie☆
whoa now i know someone has a crush on meTheMemeist