Meet a new character the SWIVEL MAN IS BACK I think...IDk but meet.....IDK you guys think of a name for her because I got nothing...but anywho let us get started on What, Who, Where she's from. First of all, she's a succubus who's always trying to seduce Nik's younger brother Nate but Nate's only 8 so you probably see where this is going right...RIGHT?! Anywho lets now get started on where she's from an ancient tomb that Nik's kinda breaks during one of his mission's and she wakes up and follows him home without him even knowing and as soon as Nik walks in the door Nate tells him "Hey bro um did you that there's a girl like following you?" Nik turns around confused looks at her looks back at Nate and says "Bro....don't say it." but it's as soon as Nik grabs his scythe she sees Nate and fall's in love with him. Now, who is she well you already know but Ima tell you again She a Succubus who has been trapped in a tomb for over ten million years that is until Nik broke her tomb(So what if I broke it she need to stay away from Nate you son of b-)...and you already know what she is right....RIGHT?! Anywho that's all for now folks. I kinda regret making this.......I knew messed up something

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Supreme CommanderClaytonR

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