shadow contest winners!

By teapup

so, before you read on, just know that i'm not giving out prizes since i canceled the contest. but i still wanted to adress winners so you all get bragging rights :) 1st place: Teddybear4 . I loved all the movement! honestly, the animation was real good. there were no mistakes, and even though it was a bit short it was still really fluid. amazing work! 2nd place: roosalife . i liked it because of the creativity! it had a backstory, and it was a long animation which was good. it had a little bit more of frame copying then i would like, but, nevertheless its still great! 3rd: bendytheinkling . i loved the spin! and it was a loop too, so that was really cute. the concept was good! just like teddy's though, it was a bit short. it had some frame copying but it was still wonderful! and to everyone else, i loved all your entries! just because you weren't in top 3, doesn't mean you weren't amazing. now, go out there and keep making wonderful artwork!!!

  • Published August 13, 2019, 14:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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hey doods. desc
ok announcement thing
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