AAAAHHHHHH!!!! What the heck am I scared about? Draw it! Whoever wins, I will give a trophy to :) There has to be more than one contestant for me to start voting
oh man thats very complicated .-. but its fine XD ya know sometimes you gotta forget these things in the past...I mean other than this this story time I will never forget ;w;
but i have a simular story where i used to live in apartments but they gave us room like a normal house basment 1st 2nd floor this is not important but it gives you an idea of what was my situation soo we had lots of these in the shape of a square and we had a yard that these buildings shared so i was playing in the grass and i saw a friend running around being chased by two girls and i called him over and chated with him i was in like 2nd grade and the girls come up one grabs him and kisses him the other did the same to me we'll call her girl 1 or g1 the other g2 so g1 became obsessed with me. I had become scared to go outside i was not the girls are gross kid either and i had a friend who was female and she ff female friend had told on g1 every time i got nonconsequential hugs often and at some point i sat down so she couldnt hug me with ease and see grabed my.... um you know and ff told g1s parents as usual and they went ape crap on her they grounded her then i dated ff for three weeks and she broke up with me because i was deppresed she is now hated by me g1 still says that i dated her do i didnt do that i didnt like her i still dont
yea maybe I exaggerated bcs I only experienced this alone...but thanks anyways lol ;w; (Also I mean if you really think about it seeing the person you know likes you a lot but you don't racing across the street in a pikachu onsie is pretty strange XD) @Cocoa_Coleman
the first one, is kinda creepy, but then again it could definitely be a really weird coincidence, but the other 2 are just weird, u hyped it up too much, i still liked the story tho... so good job b
That's the creepy thing about it .-. It's understandable, but I've never actually had a conversation with him lol. I also found out in, like, 6th grade that he has a disorder in that kind of area? Yea I'm shaking now ;w; @_J_M_
Ya know, If he stood with yall and didn't talk, he most likely knew things about you from listening to your conversations. I do the same thing as a technique to learn more about people. but usually I engage in minimal conversation and don't talk about it later
a lot of pausing, but this made me laugh so hard. I love this storytime idea. Maybe you should continue it. I can see there was a lot of effort put into this. goodjob
also not in a rude "how do you know" XD just like did he do something obvious like how he did with me and the secret admirer note? @PiNaple2Twiilight
oh, how do you know? he apparently likes gabby now, too? yea, this guy is all over the place @PiNaple2Twiilight
couldn't agree more ;w; @!AJD!PiNaple2
i know who this is he had a crush on me in 6th gradeKETCH
wow total stalker vibes man,,Twiilight
oh man thats very complicated .-.but its fine XD ya know sometimes you gotta forget these things in the past...I mean other than this this story time I will never forget ;w;
i am sorry im dumb nonconsetual hugsanimationate
but i have a simular story where i used to live in apartments but they gave us room like a normal house basment 1st 2nd floor this is not important but it gives you an idea of what was my situation soo we had lots of these in the shape of a square and we had a yard that these buildings shared so i was playing in the grass and i saw a friend running around being chased by two girls and i called him over and chated with him i was in like 2nd grade and the girls come up one grabs him and kisses him the other did the same to me we'll call her girl 1 or g1 the other g2 so g1 became obsessed with me. I had become scared to go outside i was not the girls are gross kid either and i had a friend who was female and she ff female friend had told on g1 every time i got nonconsequential hugs often and at some point i sat down so she couldnt hug me with ease and see grabed my.... um you know and ff told g1s parents as usual and they went ape crap on her they grounded her then i dated ff for three weeks and she broke up with me because i was deppresed she is now hated by me g1 still says that i dated her do i didnt do that i didnt like her i still dontanimationate
"its three pm and i havent eaten lunch" me on weekendsTwiilight
LOL @Cocoa_Colemankulamen
@Twiilight facts... actually, they could just be really motivated to get candy, jkTwiilight
"What is this BUFFOONERY?!" @Cocoa_ColemanTwiilight
yea maybe I exaggerated bcs I only experienced this alone...but thanks anyways lol ;w; (Also I mean if you really think about it seeing the person you know likes you a lot but you don't racing across the street in a pikachu onsie is pretty strange XD) @Cocoa_Colemankulamen
the first one, is kinda creepy, but then again it could definitely be a really weird coincidence, but the other 2 are just weird, u hyped it up too much, i still liked the story tho... so good job bTwiilight
to be honest while i was working on this, I started wheezing when I put in "I don't approve of this creature" XD @fusion325Twiilight
Hopefully you liked it tho lol @_J_M_Twiilight
That's the creepy thing about it .-. It's understandable, but I've never actually had a conversation with him lol. I also found out in, like, 6th grade that he has a disorder in that kind of area? Yea I'm shaking now ;w; @_J_M_Twiilight
aww tysm XD. I've been thinking of doing a lot of these once in a while @fusion325_J_M_
Ya know, If he stood with yall and didn't talk, he most likely knew things about you from listening to your conversations.I do the same thing as a technique to learn more about people. but usually I engage in minimal conversation and don't talk about it later
a lot of pausing, but this made me laugh so hard.I love this storytime idea. Maybe you should continue it. I can see there was a lot of effort put into this. goodjob