🎊HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!🎉2022!🥳


HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE OF DRAWN!!! IT'S 2022! YEAH XD🥳 Hopefully, this year would be much better than last time!🙌 AAAHHHHHAA THIS TOOK UH ABOUT A FEW HOURS, IDK🙃 --------------------------------------------- I'M SORRY, I REALLY NEED TO MAKE OC REFS😬 I made one for Dog a billion years ago: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/vkcy01 You know Cat, the light gray one with green eyes. Rick is the giraffe in the middle, he has wings but he can't fly with them, Daisy is at the right corner, she has miss-matched eyes. The one munching on a cookie with lightish peach fur is Poofy, his created based on my real-life Dog (I have a cat too BTW) Those tiny cat dudes are potato cats, some species are rare(egg cat, potato catfish, Potato corn, etc.) And that's Baby Bro- UHH YOU SAW NOTHING. --------------------------------------------- It's currently 12:22 AM to me, we were watching fire works! AGAIN, HAPPY MEW YEAR!!🎉 Last year (2021) on FlipAnim cause why not, I like to cringe myself⭐ https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_728ab22ba0c842468a897907be9a7075/flipanim/anim/xl4nntaa.gif https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_728ab22ba0c842468a897907be9a7075/flipanim/anim/fecwng2y.gif

  • Published December 31, 2021, 12:53
  • in Whirlpool
  • in Art :3
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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