- 千丨尺乇 千ㄖ尺匚乇 ! -


alright! time to talk about this ive had alot i wanna say lmao first of all, i started this right after i posted my latest pose, which is very similar to this. that was basically a base pose. i then started drawing this character, tamaki kotatsu, from fire force. i dont really like the anime and i have no idea who she is, but shes adorable >w< so i decided to draw her! this is my first drawing in still waters ^^ im really proud of this. huge credit to @RoseKen, who i talked to and asked for advice during the process of making this. shes a super interesting person and is wonderful to have a conversation about politics with! yeah uwu i really like this characters design, and i think i did it pretty well. i went through alot of trial and error, and ultimately i think it turned out really nice. so ye owo hope u guys like ^^ refs- https://www.google.com/search?q=tamaki+kotatsu&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=VLPUQ5FM5Vj15M%253A%252CwzAm35NHYEsX4M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTau4KDkBulBFxcfbqlsG_H652n4w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigqamv_cTnAhXRlXIEHeRYB1cQ9QEwB3oECAYQFQ&cshid=1581268816614722&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=VLPUQ5FM5Vj15M:&tbs=sur:fmc and a few things off pinterest that i cant find, tho the pose is completely original. i realized my drawing has a small flaw, the black bands on the legs are actually the original pant, and the grey is like an extra layer, but eh owo

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wil gift for @R0seKen uwu
join me i miss u guys :3c