So like school started today. I didn’t like it that much :( Anyways my crush who supposedly liked me back, idk, moved up, I didn’t, EVEN THOUGH HES A LOWER GRADE! but he’s older so whatever lol. My best friend moved up too :( Anyways We literally turned into like elementary and I’m not too mad about like memory lannnnnnneeeee . But yeah has anybody else started school back up? I really don’t want to. I’m in 10th grade now btw! So only two more yrs. to me that’s so CRAZY! LIKE WHAT! I’ll be 17 when I graduate so it’s just crazy Bc rn I’m only 14 it’s seems so close but so far away if that makes sense. It’s crazy if u get me.

  • Published August 09, 2021, 21:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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