Space ⭐️


HEY there guys! I'm officaly back from my vactation, so have this drawing! Soooo finally, this bean right here has a solid design, hurray! Haha spaceman go brrrr! I also finally decided on a name for them! I chose a name sugested by @Pipeline , Silvester! I just really liked the sound of it and thought it fit him well! I also decided that they'd be my Oc's Akiko's sibling, mostly becuase they looked similar to each other, and also just cause yes! So yeah have this doodle of Silvester, I love him, my tired little spaceman! Oh, also don't worry he can live without a space helmet, they're a demon, he's immortal, they technically can't die, so they're fine lmao! Also, can I just say how much fun it is to draw space??? Like- yes it's just super fun! Well, I hope you all have a great day, byeee! <3 (PS. I MAY draw some more of your guys Ocs, after I finish some school work! So like- be prepared heheheh >:3)

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