Hypnotic Mood Yo!


Ok so this was a contest Entry for @PANCAKE and I just want to say.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS CONTEST! I usually draw things based on how I'm mostly feeling and how I am as a person. But, when you hosted this contest, I wanted to draw the song " Inspired " version. So yeeeeeeah Thank You! LOL ----- About The Art ----- Ok so here you can see Beatrix being all high because she has been drinking Alc- Apple juice! She was drinking apple juice and she was very dizzy util she was singing a silly song. She was just hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " I *HiC!* lOVe mYSElf! *hIc* yAY!!!!111!!!1! " Yeah something like that. ('-' ) I just thought I would like think of things like this when she.., acts like this but, ehhh.. Anyways, uhhhhhhhh yeah Beatrix JUST LOVES APPLE JUICE. She is OUT OF HER MIND and yeah a bit.., crazy. Lol ---- Art Itself ----- Time Taken: About 2 hours ( My hand hurts Lol I've been writing. ) Characters / Ocs: Beatrix D SOng inspired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egd5c7XffeA Current follow count: 125 Contest if you want to enter: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/do4xjc ( DUE TOMORROW! )

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