@RANDOMGIRL4 about the speeding up when you try to pass them; that happens to me all the time in the hallway at school. I'm trying to get to second period or whatever, and this persons going slow as possible, and then when I try to go around him, he moves in my way, looks at me, and starts walking faster. Then he slows down again and it happens again and i end up being late for orchestra. It stinks
@XEclipse lmao mood. Like,, it doesn't hurt to speed up just a little bit. One thing that gets me pissed is when you try to pass them, and they speed up. Like?? What the fuck??
Someone was going 20 at a 50 speed limit and I said "this prick better speed the fuck up before I roll down the window and give him the finger" that's like my number one pet peeve
@RANDOMGIRL4 about the speeding up when you try to pass them; that happens to me all the time in the hallway at school. I'm trying to get to second period or whatever, and this persons going slow as possible, and then when I try to go around him, he moves in my way, looks at me, and starts walking faster. Then he slows down again and it happens again and i end up being late for orchestra. It stinksXEclipse
@RANDOMGIRL4 jesus sameee fam and I also hate it when ppl cut u off constantly makes me wanna run them overRANDOMGIRL4
@XEclipse lmao mood. Like,, it doesn't hurt to speed up just a little bit.One thing that gets me pissed is when you try to pass them, and they speed up. Like?? What the fuck??
Someone was going 20 at a 50 speed limit and I said "this prick better speed the fuck up before I roll down the window and give him the finger" that's like my number one pet peeveTwixLovez
@TwixLovez fhfgydgffhdgTwixLovez
Well every time my mom says "retarded" I start laughing because of the way she says it LOLAnonymousTiger
@RANDOMGIRL4 XDDDsame sometimes with my mum
but not that much lmao
@AnonymousTiger5 she does this all the time lmaoAnonymousTiger