#disasterscontest1 The Antigen Is 20% robotic And Has hooves on its back legs and paws on the front. Some are born with wings of either webbed or feathered. The metal or silver plates over its body may vary in shape and color. A cool fact about this creature is that tetanus doesn't affect it. Instead, They feel a painful sensation until they clean the rust off. They are extravagantly colorful and their Eyes change color according to their mood. White is their normal, blue is sad or scared, Red with white (And/Or) black is mad, pink is cuddly and cute, and so on. These beautiful animals May either have floppy ears, cat ears, Horns, or feathers. Horns and feathers may come together, And the same with the ears. when mad, Back spikes pop out of their body. Their bite force is three times the pressure of a wolfs. Females are smaller than males, and they both are affectionate towards other species unless threatened. they mostly have fur or feathers. scales are extremely rare, but they are definitely possible. hight: 2.0-10.7 hight varies due to health and gender
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