Fun Fact about me


i have on extra chromosome, and as a result, i should be dead, but, i'm not, this one chromosome, gave me an irregular heart beat, so uh my heart has one extra beat, and well, like i said, i should be dead, so i was little and very sick, born in Guatemala, my father didn't tell anyone i was sick, just so he could get me home, and get treatment. they thought i wasn't gonna live, so, they went to the beach with me, to spend some time with me, if i die, but, i lived, so as i grew old, the notice i wasn't really, normal, so the therapist said that, i may never be able to do shit, but, he was wrong, i ride horses now, i can draw, i raise chickens for the stock show and the county 4H, and i guess that's it, now you all know about me <3 (p.s my mom just told me I have autism, fuck)

  • Published April 12, 2019, 11:35
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in shitposts
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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