The void [Concept]


A dimension that's long been abandoned. It's always been empty of life, with only large black pillars, each with a small purple flame on top. The 'stars' are just flames that have been pulled from their pillars, floating in the darkness. There's no day. The only light you would get is from the flames. Somewhere in this void, a portal can be opened. There was a time where people came through this portal to rescue those inside. But that time was long ago. Only a few would ever dare peek their head in here, lest they risk it being sliced off by the beast that lurked here. Nobody's seen it with their own eyes, but they trust the torn bodies of the curious loners are big enough signs. Occasionally, you would find ruins of structures made by outsiders for shelter. Most now, have been demolished. The dimension of void stays closed. It was only opened twice, and most agree it's best that it stays empty and forgotten.

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