(Read desc.) so


1. My laptop's being dumb to me ;w; The first time I was in the editing today, I was gonna just draw Petko, but the laptop decided to ruin the page, making me refresh and lose my progress. TwT Then I lost progress on the scrolling "Why?" on this and oof so annoyed. ;w; 2. Anyone on here remember me? I'm sorry for not being active oof. ;w; Also.. What number was it, 58 followers??? I"m not sure how, but thank y'all all lol~<3 As how I'm trying with Toonator now, I'll also try to be more active on here uwu After semester exams tho OOF, but yeah XD Keep your eyes peeled! uwu ALSO! I get so many notifications since I follow so many people, and I've given up on checking them, so if you ABSOLUTELY want me to see somethin', message me 'bout it, 'kay? Have a nice time, everybody~<3

  • Published December 12, 2018, 22:22
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Feelings
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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