don't read if u get triggered


TW: mentions of a s*icide attempt and a failed OD I've been in a psych ward for the past week. I just got back yesterday. I overdosed on 170mg of Abilify. I've felt like this for about two years now but I always hide behind a mask of a smiling face, faked excitement, and exclamation points. I OD'd on October 4th. it's the 13th. I feel like absolute shit all the time. I have zero contact with any of my friends, my dad just forgot to block this site. he blocked instagram, Wattpad, and all ways I had of contacting my friends. I am sorry for venting here but I have nowhere else to go. I feel so worthless, and guilty. I gave my sister a panic attack, she was the one who found me. I scared everyone. I'm so fucking pathetic, I fail at everything, even my s*icide attempt. I was at a mental ward in san Francisco, I did have a good time there, it was nice while it lasted. I made some great friends. but I have no way of contacting any of them, since my dad blocked all my social media. sorry for venting I just feel awful and had nowhere else to go.

  • Published October 13, 2020, 11:58
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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