it was 38°C in vancouver


if you guys haven't heard there was a heatwave in the pacific northwest with daily temperatures ranging from 34° - 42°C (100°F) during daytime and about 26°C - 30°C during the night. This all started last friday and is starting to end today. (thank god) "It's not that bad compared to-" you say, well nobody here was prepared for this sudden spike as it usually is 24-28°C tops during the summer so AC is absent in almost every household, plus us west coasters do not tolerate heat well (especially me) I was basically dead meat for 5 days and spent most of my time in the bathtub filled with cold water trying not die. Hopefully tmr is cooler, also my bedroom is a mini sauna now since it gets the most heat during daytime

  • Published June 30, 2021, 01:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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