DiD wE gEt thEM aLIenS yEt


yeah I know,all of this was friday but I wanted to make this sooo bad. I used my simpler style since I use my laptop mouse and its very time consuming. So on Friday, I was done with my art project so I made alien themed pictures about area 51 in art class using watercolours. Art was finished and I made 2,I gave one to my friend (who I also like) and during passing period in the hallways, WE HELD THE FRIKIN PICTURES UP AND YELLED OUT "ThE aLiEns Are COmIng" and infact some people in the hallways nodded yes and saluted to the pictures. Yeah sure, we looke dlike fools but it was all worth it. See, I go to a boring school so me

  • Published September 23, 2019, 19:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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