I had the impulse to write a story


Thought I'd ask for thoughts on the opening 3 paragraphs.

Chapter 1:

Even through the muffled drowsiness, closed window, and quilted blanket pulled over his head, Rainjel could still make out the droning sitar of the morning birds’ song. He recognizes the futility of attempting to sleep in, and so the day begins.
Rainjel shuffles his way to the kitchen, his mind still tired and his blood still viscous. His gaze glides over the contents of the fridge. Nothing inside appears particularly appetizing, but Rainjel’s hunger needs to be satiated. He removes a slice of cheese from the cool shelves and warms it with radiation. The dairy is consumed slowly, not because Rainjel savours its flavor, but because he finds the taste painfully uninspiring. After gulping down the last bite, Rainjel departs from the house in search of something to give the day substance.
His soft footsteps were enough to disturb the silence of a nearly dead town. Only a few locals make their daily commute at this hour, and the morning birds stopped singing after dawn. Rainjel meanders about as the streets become increasingly populated. He does not realize he was spacing out until the piercing screech of tire snaps him back to reality. Rainjel only gets a second to observe the car crash before a pedestrian flies into him. The fellow ambler gets up and brushes himself off. Rainjel recognizes the man’s black and white spotted face, nearly non-existent hair, gentle hands sporting fingers dipped in dark silver, and cardigan made of tattered potato sacks. “Rainjel, my friend! I have been searching for you all morning,” the man says. “Apologies, Dolmer. I was not aware you wished to converse,” Rainjel replies. “More than to converse. Have you forgotten? Sunfall is today.” Rainjel pauses in realization. He does not know how an event he waited years to witness had slipped from his mind. Every 8 years, tiny fragments of the sun would rain down on a specific part of the world known as the “Furnace Lands”. The phenomenon brings no harm to surrounding land and is supposedly a brilliant spectacle to observe. 2 Sunfalls have already occurred during Rainjel’s life, but he was too young to recall the first and missed the second while in the bathroom. “Our associates have gathered at Lekshinger’s Edge for an adequate view, so I have come to collect you,” Dolmer explains. “Then let us converge.”

  • Published Published December 03, 2021, 22:03
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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make this continuable pls