the witch scarletsoul!!!


my halloween post for this year! this was fun to make, but boy, it took a long time. with all the complications involving the blink cycle, it was a hassle. but after that was sorted out, i was super happy with what i had! scarletsoul is the lady whom had created the beloved tanpaw, with her magic. tanpaw was originally just a regular cat with a regular eye. and no special powers. but, scarletsoul took a look at how miserable he was, and discovering how his mother died, she granted him snake powers, out of pure irony, figuring he would make the perfect servant/henchmen/creature for her evil endeavors. now, she is dressing up for halloween with a stylish witch costume! (oooohh) and she loves being fashionable, so she painted her nails green, and put on black lipstick! (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH) anyways. please give this some love! i put fourth so much effort. it would mean a bunch! (i need koin too btw)

  • Published October 20, 2021, 00:09
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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