(Don’t mind the animation thing,I accidentally clicked one spot and it made it an animation and idk how to undo that so I went with it)
Hope everyone’s been doing well,I’ve been doing somewhat well for the most part.
I decided to actually draw something for once for a update of mine rather than my usual cat face so hope u enjoy that :3.
I’ve been doing well in some aspects,still a bit bad on the physical health side but not as bad as before,mental health has been decent enough though my school has been flagged that I’ve been suicidal before so that’s fun -_-.aside from that though I’ve been pretty well on the mental side.
In terms of information on other stuff such as personal stuff I don’t really have much to say due to the fact that it involves other people and I don’t know how they’d feel if I put it on the internet even if I wouldn’t say names or specifics.
Tell me how yall have been doing in the comments please because I’m quite curious on what everyone’s been up to while I’ve been away,I do still check my notices occasionally but It’s been awhile since I’ve been up to speed :3