Boo hi there im uhhhh I exist :D I took like a 6 month(?) break from drawn I kinda hit a rlly bad low lmao mentally, drawing wise and just everything lol. I wasn't taking covid rlly well and Im currently hiding a 9 month relationship from my folks (Parents) bc they're hella against long distance so thats like rlly exhausting ahahaha. Uhhh enough negativity if you knew me before I went on my break HIIIIII WHATS GOOOOOOD U KNOW WHO DIS BOY IS and to those who are new hi welcome to hell this is my boy Dexter u gonna see a lot of him (Maybe?) so yeah enjoy <3
@sugr!kube o dam thankyou xD, i hadnt noticedcongrats on being le 125 uwu
@BendyTheInkling aa thanks for the follow uwu!!! goal breachedskootRus
@BendyTheInkling @DuckieBreadEater @sugr!kube my 125 follow ;Dhowever you guys already follow me i think xD
actually bendy might not tho
for whatThuprilz
twas me >:)DuncanChillo
for what?me