rant (sorta)


FOOD BOT 3000 Give it food, and it will talk to you and treat you like a friend. It has some sort of perfume or hypnotization that will make you think it REALLY cares about you. Or maybe it's just good at acting. Be sure to refuel every once in a while. It doesn't have a battery/friendship life, but after too long it gets tired of you. Thinks of you as a waste of time. And it leaves you not knowing why. And oh, COVID is a mess. Since you can't share food, FOOD BOT 3000 will definitely get sick of you! But you will feel so fucking terrible since you worked for that friendship! But was it even a friendship in the first place? Malfunctions:: idk how to work these out yet, but it sometimes says the same thing over and over to you? And it flashes red light right before it does this. And it just keeps bothering you even though it CLEARLY doesn't like you. It bothers you until you think it likes you again. But it doesn't. It just has nothing else to do. The FOOD BOT 3000. Buy one now today! Or better yet, find one at your local school, park, or wherever you make friends! Maybe you have one in your life already, who knows?

  • Published December 12, 2020, 21:02
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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