Fun fact!


Anon posts and saying that you don't like a site causes drama! When in reality it's a dumb post guys come on If you get heated everytime someone says something you don't like your life won't be as positive. stop being rude to people, different opinions :) Also I mean this for websites and not big things, being racist or something is something that should get backlash. Being Angry over a opinion about website is kinda dumb..

  • Published Published February 06, 2021, 22:51
  • Location in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 6

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?


fun fact i dont care every one has there own opinion




I have no excuse, because yes I was a bit rude but, I really am ashamed of those who think they can just tease at us since they're unknown and think other sites are more "superior", when really no site's truly perfect. I do, however, apologize for the way I reacted and should've kept my mouth shut.


I do understand what you mean though. Being elitist about a website or any social media is just stupid.


I didn't really think anyone was that mad except for one person who agreed that what they said was going a little too far and a few people who seemed kinda mad. Honestly, most people were just memeing or trying to inform the person that some of what they were saying was just factually wrong. Which was actually pretty impressive and the situation could've been 10x worse.
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