King's Garb

By _J_M_

out of all of the many strange traditions in the Oldren kingdom, none other is more well-known than the king's garb. The "King's Garb" is a tradition in which the citizens of the oldren kingdom actually pick out the clothes that the king wears around the palace, and even to meetings with with foreign leaders. every little detail of the clothing has a meaning, and is meant to represent how the king's subjects think of the king. For instance: the length of the shirt represents temper( A king that has a short temper, would essentially be wearing a crop top. ). Every citizen that decides to vote on the king's garb (as it is optional to vote on this) is educated on what individual symbols, clothing, designs, and materials stand for, before they vote on the garb. after about one year of gathering votes, they are all individually counted, and depending on the catagory will determine whether they use an average of the votes, the most popular vote, or to combine design choices for ties. after it's all settled, someone sketches out a proper design for the clothing, and it gets sent off, where the the actual clothing gets made, and once it's made, it gets shipped to the king, and it's what he should wear around the palace.
Though, as with most traditions, it's not a requirement to wear the garb, and is more of a way to boost morale within the kingdom.

  • Published Published January 13, 2021, 20:07
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Lore
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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AA tysm!! I love it nwn