This shi is lost media. No new people will have any context on my characters
And honestly I'm not sad that these are lost. Putting all of these episodes into a list and seeing how big it is makes me feel proud of myself that I was able to create this universe of characters and share it on Toonator and Drawn for everybody to see. And I especially appreciate the fan art made by people of my characters and the fact that people actually looked forward to each new episode and seeing the plot evolve and the respect that people seem to treat me with even if objectively speaking I'm not even top 5 best stickmen animator on here, I'm just some dude with a lot of patience and a lot of free time (not so much in 2023 but in 2017-2019 I sure did have a lot of time)
There are also 3 shorts from Unstoppable posted that exist on my profile so they are not lost