Nightmare story time 2


you are running. you dont know why or where your running, but you have to, because you know if you stop, IT, will catch you. As you are running you see boxes. Boxes, upon boxes, upon boxes. It seems as if the mountains of boxes go on forever, but there is no time to look around. You have to keep running. what seems like 10 minutes of running later you reach a room with a thick steel slam door with a button, you run inside hastily and press the button as fast as you can but it closes too slowly. You look around the room to see if there is a place to run, yet there is none to be found. You then try to find a hiding place, theres a locker, a few crates, and a few boxes. You decide to go with the boxes, once you get in you seal yourself in and poke out two holes to see through. The thing opens the door with a force greater than those weird animal robots you saw when back in 2014. You hear its voice, if you can even call it that. All you can describe it as is like nails scratching on a chalkboard, you cant make out what its saying, but you know it wants to find you. You watch slowly as it walks over to the locker to peer through the holes, then the crates, then its right infront of you. You hear it slowly opening your box, but then you hear footsteps. The demon Screeches as it starts to run towards those new footsteps. As you get out you see a bright light, its your mom flashing your lights on and off to try and wake you. The end. I know this dosnt lead up to something great but im trying my best to remember what happened and i had this dream months ago, also, sorry if im annoying, sometimes i feel as if i can just do things without thinking and i want to ask of your forgiveness and to notify me when i do get annoying, and if you im always annoying i feel inclined to leave this site, so please tell me. Again, im sorry for this being anticlimactic, i just dont fully remember anything and i ask of your forgiveness,

  • Published Published April 06, 2020, 01:45
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in trash
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

Comments 3

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@darui stop telling me to stop being a bozo after i called you a bozo, bozo


@kashew01 stop being such a bozo, bozo


i wish you were bozo