dinner for two


Really rough dumb animatic sort of thing. I'll hopefully get around to flesh out the whole thing. Someday soon maybe idk Anyways you probably have no idea whats going on. If you saw my Peppermint Meme then you already know the backstory that Ash and Carmine have together. Same applies here, except this is after he died. Losing someone is hard and sometimes you cant cope or grasp the fact that they're gone: so here it shows Ash eating dinner (that he cooked himself). But he made two plates, one for himself and one for the empty chair. He's a shitass cook so ofc he burns his dish but he eats it anyway. The entire time it's just him arguing with himself I guess- he's angry that Carmine never heed his warnings about smoking. He mentions how the plate is burnt and smoky and then he flips his shit kinda ? Since: "OOPS. I forgot you're dead. Cause you thought you were an 'expert' on smoking."

  • Published September 01, 2019, 15:27
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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