Drawn stuck [Title pending]


A young troll stands behind a countertop, It just so happens today, the 15th bi-lunar perigee of the 5th dim season's equinox is her wriggling day, but nobody cares about that. And although it was 7 solar sweeps ago she was given life. She now hates her life even without living at least half of it. But her feelings don't matter as of right now, what matters is that she is given a name so she can do her job, sure she already has a name but it doesn't really matter because you can't live in society without a title given by others on a higher plane than your own. What may this young trolls name be? and this is all a work in progress folks, we still need at least a few more agreements on the story and people to join the drawnstuck discord which i have sent a link to all the people in drawnstuck i believe [I can get you one if you didnt get any] so currently its not even close to ready but I am still working the hardest I can to figure stuff out and try to get this out.

  • Published May 08, 2022, 15:20
  • in The Swamp
  • in Drawnstuck junk
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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