ya know


ok so for one, i know this is not a crush. I just really enjoy talking to this person and in a way i realize that i sorta enjoy their company. I see them as a close friend that i can really just talk to, they're pretty weird but really funny and idk, i think they're pretty cool. I in a way admire them and also admire their art and animations on here as well. Though if i told them how i felt they would probably think i'm a creep or that i was lovesick and i was in denial or something, since i know they had to deal with someone who was obsessed over them, i don't want them thinking the wrong idea. Plus, i'm pretty sure they're with someone rn, or at least is wanting to be with someone else at the moment, sooo i mean i would never fall for someone who likes someone else. Honestly idek if they see me as a friend. I mean we started rping (and btw i just realized i rp with a lot of ppl lol. So idk now many ppl are gonna think i'm talking about them) and we sometimes talk. So i really dunno how they might feel towards me. Though idk, i guess i enjoy they're company and i hope i'm not just being a burden or annoying them. I just really see them as a cool friend and i hope we stay close for as long as i'm on here. Idk why i wrote this tbh, i guess i just really want them to read this and even if they don't know that i'm talking about them, they might subconsciously get that i look up to them in some admiration and friendship sorta way man i'm weird lol. I really don't want them to get the wrong idea.

  • Published August 11, 2020, 11:26
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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