

I'd like for you not to bash them, please, for that is not my intention. I feel the user did wrong, yes, and I still do not completely understand why they did what they did, but I will tell you that I spoke to them and this is what they said on the situation, "I didn't try to get with him with my newer account, that's not true. I made that account for art doodles that I didn't want associated with me, just because. It was for fun at first but I accidentally fell in love with *BLEEP* again. I didn't mean to lead *BLEEP* on, it was just easier. *BLEEP* didn't want me for me, s/he wanted *BLEEP*, so I pretended to be [that person] for her/him. Then I hurt *BLEEP* and I will never forgive myself. I hope *BLEEP* forgets me." This is a compilated excerpt from our conversation, with censored names and pronouns. You may know who this is anyway, but this is what I was told. I don't know the whole story, so I have no connection to these people, emotionally, but I wanted to place my part in it as well.

  • Published May 28, 2019, 06:53
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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