oops {Trigger warnings}


WARNING: What I'm about to mention contains Self harming, black maling, suicidal thoughts and nsfw ( I don't want to trigger anyone here i want you to be safe so I'm sorry. ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- So basically, I need your opinion on something right now. So, my friend that's in another sate is suffering right now cuz, of her bf. Her bf is currently "cheating on her" (from what my friend said) and I told her "how?" She said "cuz he's following other girls account and trying to see full vids of girls." (like wtf.) and looking at nfsw. like bruhhhhhh. I got mad at him cuz ofc he would do that shit. Now here is what imma ask. if you had a relationship with a person that loves you ONLY for your body, the way you act, sucidal and for your look? Is that bad? I mean yeah it is. Cuz I know that is for my view. I mean name all of the red flags that can cause a break up. . Now my friend says, "Oh it's ok that he doesn't love me!!!11!1! imma just kill myself for him not loving me as much. no one cares about me anymore so what the point on living??" And I told her MULTIPLE TIMES. To NOT commit that again. So after she tried her boyfriend apologized and STILL followed girls with themes that are adults. (reminder her boyfrined did care that she was trying to commit that) -_- not ok tbh. Anyways, she did the unimaginable (self harming) because of the "wanted attention. she apparently lost" (which people called her an attention whore) cuz she kinda got exposed in a way. And so months later passes by and now she's asking ME if she can use MY "THICCC" body to sed her boyfriend cuz ofc we are at home quarantine. omfg. I told her "uhhh why don't you fuck off and ask someone else? huuhhh? I'm not going to handle your fucking problems anymore you are being a b!tch for asking me for pics. ME for your problem YOU for triggering me. Like for fucks Sakes using me for my body? using me for appearance? using me to get a boyfriend? please go leave me alone cuz all you do is fucking toxic."

  • Published April 04, 2020, 12:25
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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guess who.
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39way to go superstar!