Toshizori hated homeroom. It was just a waste of time for here, an extra 30 minutes where people could do homework, or finish up an assignment from the night prior. She used to do that, finishing up all of the shit teachers piled on them overnight, but now she could care less. Now she just mindlessly lay there, scribbling random marks in graphite on the plastic top of their table. What was worse, was she was sitting directly across from the nerd and art freak. Shiki was getting tutoring for some dumb english assignment, since Brandon was like the smartest kid in school. Toshizori would have asked him for help a few years ago, before it didn't matter anymore. Who cared about grades? The two of them were talking quietly, but just loud enough to hear each other over the bustle of everyone else in the classroom. This was the math classroom, so professor Edge was watching everyone like a hawk from his desk. No funny business was ever allowed, even going to the bathroom was timed. She huffed, and buried her face into her elbow more. This dumb little study hall couldn't be over fast enough.
Shiki glanced up at the angry pomeranian sitting across from him at the table, before returning his attention to Brandon's lecture. He may talk a lot, and never really get to the point, but he was good at explaining what they had to do on homework assignments and projects. Particularly this one, which had been assigned to them over summer break. It wasn't very long, but there was a trick question at the end which had stumped pretty much everyone. Except Brandon, of course. As he tapped the paper with his finger again, Shiki scribbled down the correct answer (finally) and packed up as the bell rang.
@Bruizer uwu. Their babsFrøsty
@AnonymousTiger5 lel I'm not sure why @gaycacti they're both my ocs sadly, but that's kewlio bro owogaycacti
Dude Imm like the same drawing mine and my friends ocs it give s me endless happyness. Coz his bois are the best. like him uwuAnonymousTiger
this is so cute wtf ;o