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just a small vent, I don't want anyone to see it but at the same time I really want to post this so here we go. lately ive been getting a lot of hate from irl friends and stuff, they have always been jerks (most of them are anti-lgtbq etc, but I keep them because: just because they have different beliefs doesn't mean they are bad, so what if we are different? opposites atract.. sadly though they are quite mean to me for obvious reasons, i'm openly gay, heck by most i'm known as the gay queen. Me and steven (a openly gay male at our school) like it that way. so guys/girls know to back off. ehhh where was I going with this anyways lately a lot of friends have been leaving, and friends online have started to not talk to me as much and its scary because I think i'm going to be all alone again and have to make new friends all over again. And I don't want that as selfish as I sound, all though I should be happy for them I don't want my friends to move on and leave me behind. Honestly i'm just a ass. Heck even my gf has disappeared and I need her right now more then anything. I'm starting to have panic attacks again and I just really want someone next to me to hold my hand but nope, everyone just left. god this is stupid but hopefully nobody reads it all because i'd rather keep this bottled up, but I know i'll feel better putting it all into words here so i'll just do that, i'm going to ignore ALL notifications from this post.

  • Published September 06, 2020, 18:04
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 5) 2020
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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