No. 8


Most Observers are liminal beings both living and non living created by The Maker to watch over things from planets to universes - Observer 8 A liminal being made of infinite sentient lasers powerful enough to burn through space and time, it uses these lasers as sensors to see but it would burn everything it tries to look at so Observer 8 uses its drones to see things Eight has multiple gold colored drones which are "laser proof" and can morph themselves into armor protecting things from Observer Eight's lasers, Observer 8 can somehow still melt these drones and turn them into prisms which can reflect 100% of light allowing Eight's lasers to bounce off them, though Eight can curve its lasers on its own - A destabilization in Eight's form would cause its lasers to sprout outwards peracutely + Is head of The Ray Faction, a group of laser type Observers 7ft and weightless without armor 7'1ft and about 1ton with armor All Observers have a Collective Mind, Singular Mind, and the mind of The Maker

  • Published September 18, 2024, 20:24
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Archive
  • is not continuable by others
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