Some drawn suggestions!


I had a few small ideas for the site: 1. 3 small dots right after your name on your posts thumbnail image and desc (what you see when you go into an album) when you click the three dots, it'll bring up a menu to move the drawing to a different album, delete it, gift it to someone, etc. [Nevermind] 2. A lasso and paint bucket tool. I can't tell you how annoying it is to manually paint something in, or have to put every little thing on a different layer so I can move it without moving everything else on the page lol > A lasso may be hard to implement, so if anything- I think a paint bucket is the most useful to add. 3. The eraser has it's own brush and doesn't share from the pencils size. Easy addition, add an extra bar below the brush size bar and make it for the eraser instead 4. I couldn't include it in the drawing but i think having a way to rearrange the order of your albums would be really nice! It currently orders from A-Z but there are some albums I'd like to have at the top of my page (and thus seen first) but not added in the featured album.[You can get around this by labeling your albums with an A at the begging, but my request still stands haha] 5. A way to see all posts from someone in order of release. Instead of new posts being in albums and being mixed with older posts- a different page where you can view posts in order from most recent to oldest 6. Possibly a "mute" option on someones profile so you can still follow them but not get every post's notification (This could also be done with a settings page, and a check box with "Get post notifications from followed accounts" along with it) Oof and that's all I can think of! Some of these may already be a thing or are being worked on to be added already, but I thought I'd just share some stuff I was thinkin' of! @claytonR if you see these, and possibly consider them, thank you!

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