Monocoven Contest Entry SO yeh! thats wut i got lol. not exactly a goofy or happy result. im not too late am i...? i forgot when this contest ends. i believe its the 25th. well im fairly proud of this! EXPLAINATION: Society - frames 14-20 has multiple figures all staring at the one in the middle. Funeral - there is a tombstone, and the building is indeed a cemetery. Meaning - frames 14-20 explain how everyone who had been at the funeral blame the one in the middle for the death. He is holding a will they wrote before killing themselves, crunching it with sadness and anger. so yeah! thats it! my contest entry for #3wordcontest

  • Published November 18, 2022, 20:44
  • in Whirlpool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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