hi its me drumcat uh im doing a shameless self promotion for an smp uh im on it and therres a discrod server and im on there my account will be either called the engineer or fishman uh i wont accept dms but uh we get like 5 people a day join it pleaser
o and if u want to find me im on another island
teh ip is rpsmp.aternos.me
ok bye
Nephew don’t let these thought control your head,, wE loaf and appreciate you and your presence on here. I had the same experience a few weeks ago lately, and ik it’s hard to accept what others say about you being fricking awesome, if jts true uwuRoseken
No dude!! Don't let those thoughts get to your head if you don't even know if they're true,,,I know it's hard to get rid of that feeling, but you gotta try
I really hope you feel better soon my dude.