Man... I knew the story I made was dark already when you looked into certain details.
Never really thought I’d be able to make it darker.
Well I was right, but I made an alternate universe version have a much darker part than anything else I’ve made.
This was all while listening to cheery music-
Like April Showers by ProletR-
H e h
@eagle kkshark.fang
@FenderBender just look it up on youtube there to complicated to explain in text onlyskootRus
@eagle .w.?shark.fang
@FenderBender do you know what key frames areskootRus
@Bloopzafosh >u< thanks!Bloopzafosh
thats so cool!skootRus
i promised myself that when i hit 100 follows, i would start working on animations. if anybody with some experience has any tips for me, please share!! im figuring this out as i go, and im still pretty confused ;w;