So like I'm mad at school


So y'all know that gifted or advance program they have at a lot of schools? It's fucked up. Like first of all, what defines 'gifted'? Well it's basically like where if you are a bit faster at learning the content that you're given, or something. So if you're a little bit better than most of your classmates, haha well now you're labeled gifted. (most of the time) So what's wrong with it? Well it screwed up my time management and study habits, for one. Cause I never really had to try but whoopsies here I am getting 'shit' grades, or what my dad says are shit. It also kinda set an expectation. Like you HAVE to be this good or you're a terrible person. So now, if I get anything worse than a C, my dad gets pissed. He looks through all my grades and it fucking sucks. I know this sounds like me just bitching about my life, cause that's exactly what it is. Okay thanks for reading this rant goodbye now whehehehe

  • Published December 08, 2019, 16:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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